Post show thank you note from Chad Riden

2016 final group photo

THANK YOU to each and every one of you who came and watched, worked and performed at #BrokenRecordShow vol. 2.

We started at 5am May 15th and ran non-stop through 4:01pm May 24th. That’s 227 hours and 1 minute (I think) total. I broke the show a couple times and we’ll actually get credit for 184 hours and 21 minutes by GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS rules. So we did exactly what we said we’d do and then some.. but most of all, we created stage time for comics and a fun experience for everybody. Ben Kronberg said, “It was the most unique legit special comedy experience I’ve probably ever had.” I hope you feel the same way.

One idiot can’t do this alone but 10 can. I’m sure glad we had more people around than that, though. No way this show could have happened without each and every one of you. I said my thank you’s during my last set but I really don’t remember much of it and probably left some people out. I’ve slept pretty consistently since Tuesday and finally feel like I’m just now getting back to normal.

I’m not sure what normal is any more and part of that is thanks to DJ Buckley. DJ dreamed up this thing and helped pull together the team to make it happen. Make sure you thank him for everything he did.

Mary Jay Berger coordinated all of the volunteers and handled their scheduling and most of the ‘front office’ type paperwork that made the show work. If it wasn’t for her, this would have been a failure.

I’ve spent the last four months pretty much working on this show full time, and I’m proud to say that the work isn’t coming to an end any time soon. I’m producing a documentary about the show and I could use your help. If you were at #BrokenRecordShow – performing, working or watching, I would like to interview you about your experiences on film. Contact me and set up a time to meet/interview or contact me for the guidelines for self-filming a post-show interview on your phone.

So many people helped – on stage and off, it’d be tough to name each person. Just know that you are appreciated and loved and we’re proud to call you a friend of Nashville comedy. Nashville StandUp would also like to offer you thank you letters for your charitable contribution to the event for tax purposes. Message me to get the ball rolling on that.

If you didn’t get a show shirt or letterpress show print from Angel Bomb, let me know. Volunteers and comics get one of each for free and the rest will be available to buy at shows and online at

Speaking of our wonderful sponsors, let’s thank them:

The East Room is the epicenter for independent, alternative comedy in Nashville. At some point I was at my house getting a shower and texted Mary Jay to tell her I was on my way back to the show and said, “I’m on my way home” meaning The East Room. Maybe I was sleep-deprived and delirious, but The East Room WAS home to a lot of us for over a week. None of this could have happened without Ben Jones and his support for what we’re doing. The biggest stumbling block for anyone trying to run an event like this would be finding a venue that was available and accommodating for 8-10 days. We are extremely lucky to have someone so supportive. Bartenders Nate & Kirin pulled long shifts to cover a 10-day long show and even took time to build a secondary stage for us outside. That’s insane. I can’t wait to do more outdoor shows there.

Wild West Comedy Festival / Outback Concerts / Zanies really embraced what we were doing and did everything they could to support us – they put a full page ad in their program book, added us to their website, provided audio equipment, sent us big name special guest comedians, promoted us on social media, paid for our laminates to be made and did a ton of other things I’m probably forgetting. As soon as Brian Dorfman heard about what we were doing he was on board and offering up help and advice and ideas. Nashville has been a great town to see live comedy for decades because of him. Dorf also landed us our biggest sponsor, SiriusXM. Thank him next time you see him.

SiriusXM recorded the show for broadcast and did some promotion as well. This will lead to passive, recurring revenue for many comics who could really use the money and exposure. Thank them for giving us such an amazing opportunity.

Plum Flower Software is the Franklin-based app/mobile/web developer that made the Broken Record Show iOS/Android app and helped us with our website. Not only did they support us financially and with countless man-hours creating cool tech for us, but Lauren O’Meara also volunteered and was at The East Room pulling shifts as an Independent Witness every day. If you need any nerd stuff done, hit them up and if you need a supportive comedy fan, holy crap – you’ve found one.

Angel Bomb design / letterpress did an amazing job creating a unique show print for us. Everybody loves it. They hand craft every item they make and you can feel the workmanship that goes into every single thing they do. I’m so proud to have such a fine piece of art that so many people will proudly hang on their wall to commemorate this show.

Nashville Improv company supported us financially and by being at the show! It’s one thing to cut a check, but these guys were here, laughing at us and posting photos online and being a part of this crazy thing. It’s nice to know that Nashville’s comedy community is so supportive of each other. Stop in and see their shows whenever you can.

DO615 promoted #BrokenRecordShow and brought out many people who otherwise wouldn’t have heard about us! Their show listings and ticket giveaways are an asset to anybody looking for entertainment options and we’re glad they were back on board this year as a sponsor.

WXNA-FM goes on the air in Nashville at 101.5 FM and streaming online around the world very soon. WXNA is a listener-supported, independent radio station with a freeform radio format. Look at their schedule and you’ll find something you like. Wednesdays from 1-2pm, you’ll see “Nashville StandUp Sits Down” which will feature live standup clips (many from #BrokenRecordShow), interviews and news about Nashville comedy. Be sure to tune in.

The Comedy Gym is Bo Shuster’s comedy workshop. He’s being pro-active, creating stage time and writing opportunities for Nashville Comics and we’re proud to count him as a sponsor.

Third Coast Comedy Club has an ambitious plan to create a new venue for all forms of comedy in Nashville – improv, sketch, theatre, stand-up, you name it. I’ve been in their new space in Marathon Village and can tell you that it’ll be unbelievably cool. I can’t wait to see shows there.

Corporate Juggernaut has been producing quality live comedy shows in Nashville for years. We were glad to have the “Gathering of the Juggelos” during #BrokenRecordShow and look forward to every show they put together.. they’re always fun.

Bongo Java has the best coffee in town, hands down, and they provided us with the good stuff for FREE Wednesday morning. That was pretty cool. Go thank them in person at any of their locations around town.

Chuck Anderson is a Nashville-based comic but he’s also an entrepreneur who is launching the “Death From A Bun” catering / food truck. Friday night he was set up in front of The East Room serving us red wine lacquered pork belly w/ curry pickled fennel, tonkatsu & spring onion AND Miso cured tofu w/ pomegranate salsa, charred and pickled scallion & noki shoga. I don’t even know what all of that is but I ate it and it was delicious.

Dino’s Bar and Grill has the best burgers in East Nashville and the most laid-back atmosphere for drinks and a great meal. They fed the comics their amazing burgers one night and it was just the greatest thing that ever happened to me. Dino’s has been the home to KAMiKAZE KiTTEN Comedy Show w/ Chad Riden and Friends the 2nd Wednesday of every month for about three years now and if you’ve had their burger you know why. Holy crap. Go see them any time you’re hungry, but especially when we’re doing a show.

Mad Donna’s fed the comics one night with their famous Habanero Mac & Cheese! So great. So wonderful. The MD Loft upstairs also features some of the best indie comedy shows around town, including Mary Jay Berger’s “Flying With Jaybird” showcase the third Wednesday of every month. Go have lunch or see a show and tell them we sent you.

Speaking of wonderful shows around town, SPiFFY SQUiRREL comedy show is exactly like #BrokenRecordShow except it’s 90 minutes long every Sunday night at 6:30pm at The East Room. We’d love to see you at our weekly little Broken Record reunion event whenever you can be there.

TN Flyers is my personal squirrel guy. Southern Flying Squirrels are the greatest pets. They’re nocturnal, so they’ll just sleep in your shirt pocket all day and be adorable and hand out snuggles. At night, they do acrobatics and flips and glide around and they’re just a delight. They’re sweet and loving and a lot of fun.

ComedyNews.Org has the latest comedy news, interviews, reviews and stuff. They’re wonderful people and have always supported and spread the word about Nashville comedy. was the first comedy podcast network when it launched in 2005, and they’re still hosting some really funny shows! They’ll be the home of the newly revived Nashville StandUp podcast as soon as WXNA is on the air. lists shows around town and posts news and info about the local scene and the comics with Nashville ties who continue to make middle Tennessee proud both here and around the world. I gotta say, these guys are just the best.

Lastly I’d like to thank our oldest sponsor, FRESCA carbonated grapefruit beverage. Through thick and thin, FRESCA has been there sponsoring everything Nashville StandUp has done for the last 16 years. Say it loud, say it proud: FRESCA! THAT’S GOOD DRINKIN’!
Let’s play a little game:

Were you at #BrokenRecordShow? BASE SCORE: 100

+10 for every hour you sat in the audience and watched the show

+10 for every 15 minutes you were on stage telling jokes

+10 for every hour you worked the front door

+10 for every hour you bartended

+10 for every hour you emcee’d

+10 for every hour you hung up fliers / posters around town

+40 for every shift you pulled as an Independent Witness

-50 for every time Chad Riden yelled at you

+50 for every time you brought the comics food

+50 for every time you used Ye Olde Fuck Palace

-50 if you ever brought any outside food or drinks to The East Room

+20 for every time you “happy handshaked” a comic

-20 for every time you farted inside The East Room

+20 for every person you brought to the show who otherwise wouldn’t have known

+10 for every social media post you made where you tagged #BrokenRecordShow Nashville StandUp and/or The East Room

+10 for every photo you took at the show and then posted online



Thank you for being at the show. That means more to me than anything else. I hope to see you at Spiffy Squirrel every Sunday at The East Room and the other shows around town AND I hope to see you at #BrokenRecordShow 2017.


Chad Riden